We understand that you may occasionally wish to return your purchases. We’ll be happy to help you with the process.

We do not accept:

  • we will not accept RETURN if you canceled your ticket before 7 days from the events 

Our crew can take 3-5 business days to collect your returns. If you’ve paid by Credit or Debit Card, your refund will be credited back to your card or account within 2-15 days, depending on your bank.

If you want to return part of an order that came with a voucher?

Whether you return your order partially or fully, your voucher will be cancelled. You will however, receive a refund for your return.

If you’ve already spent your voucher, the value of the voucher will be deducted from your refund.

If you’ve paid by Credit or Debit Card:

Your bank or card issuer may take an additional 4-15 business days to process the transaction.